Realtors Are You Looking for More Deals...Without paying for Expensive Ad's or Referral Fee's....

Get Access to 25 Interviews with Real Estate's Best of the Best Openly Sharing their Number One Secret to Building a Million Dollar Real Estate Business! 

Listen to what the Speakers are Saying about the 10x Real Estate Warriors Nation Summit "Replay" 




Mark your Calendar January 26-27-28th 2021 
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Here are the Experts We Interviewed to Learn their Secret Strategies to Getting More Listing, More Sales 

Nick Nanton
10X TopGun-Real Estate Celebrity Branding Expert
10X TopGun-Celebrity Branding Expert
22 Time Emmy Award-Winner Teaches Becoming a Celebrity 

Chris Prefontaine
10X TopGun-Real Estate  Investment Property Expert
Founder-CEO Smart Real Estate Coach.. Teaches Investor Real Estate 
Michael Reese
10X TopGun Real estate Sales/Marketing Expert
Best Selling Author, Sales Funnel Expert,Teaches Sales Automation

Bill Hang, SVP
10X TopGun-Real Estate 
Media Expert
Sr. Executive Director, HomeVisit, Showing Your Listings Virtual and Magically 
Ren Jones 
10X TopGun Real Estate 
Weapons Expert
CEO Vulcan 7 Dialer Teaches How to Dial Multiple People Easily
Abe Safa
10X TopGun Real Estate Prospecting Expert
Top Producing Agent, Software Designer, Learn What it Takes to Be a Real Prospector
Krista Mashore
10X TopGun Real Estate Video 
Marketing Expert  
Speaker Influencer, Facebook Real Estate Video Expert, Teaches Marketing With Video
Dan Stewart
10X TopGun Real Estate Communication Expert
CEO Happy Grasshopper, Speaker, Teaches How to Stay In touch with Email and More! 
Jay Kinder
10X TopGun-Real Estate Attraction Expert 
Co-Founder NAEA, #2 World Wide Coldwell Banker, Teaches How to Attract the Perfect Cleint
Chris Heller
10X TopGun - Strategy - 
Referral Expert
Chief Real Estate Officer OJO LABS, Former CEO for Keller Williams International, Teaches Leadership 
Nick Krempasky
10X TopGun-Communication-Branding Expert 
Marketing, Media Channels on Social Media, Teaches Branding and Content Management, Brand Awareness,

Sharon Restrepo
10X TopGun Expert-Business to Business Real Estate Expert
Real Estate Broker, Author, Mentor and National Speaker, Teaches Agents How to Work with Investors! 

Carrie Sue Doxsee
10X TopGun-Probate 
Estate Expert
 Owner and Creator of Attorneys Living the Dream & Law, Teaches Agents How Generate leads Leading with Value for Vendors

Jeffrey Quintin
10X TopGun Prospecting -Systems Expert
Team Owner Agent, One of the most successful Agents in US. Teaches How he Sold over 5000 homes, Negotiated Billions 

Howard Tager 
10X TopGun-Digital Marketing AI Driven Lead Generation Expert
Co-Founder & CEO of Ylopo, Former Partner at Tiger leads...Teaches Agents How to Make Dynamic and Automatic Search Possible 
John Pyke
10X TopGun-Recruiting, Staff Management Expert
Founder & CEO, The 
Talent Genius, Teaches Agents How to Attract, Hire and Recruit Right Faster and Easier

Veronica Figueroa
10X TopGun-Attraction-Team Building Expert
Team Owner-Agent, National speaker for Zillow, NARHEP, INMAN Connect.. Teaching Leadership and Growth

Sean Shallis
10X TopGun-Sales and 
Marketing Jedi 
Founder 10X Real Estate Warriors Nation, Teaches Systems, Platforms, Processes With Automation and AI 
Charlie Oppler
10X TopGun Leadership Expert 
President of National Association of Realtors 2021, Shares the NAR Mission, Teaches Agents How to Multi-Task Effectively
Matt Wagner 
10X TopGun Large Scale Marketing Experts
Helps the Industry's Biggest Players Create Large Scale marketing Campaigns with Radio, Television, Billboards
Laurel Stark 
10X TopGun - Family Law - Divorce Experts 
Realtor and Coach, Teaches Agent How to Work the Divorce Market and Go Business to Business  
Albie Stasek
10X TopGun-Attraction/Team Building Expert
Real Estate Growth Expert, Learn to Recruit with One of Exp Realty #1 Leading Recruiting Experts,  
John Kitchens
10X TopGun Real Estate 
Growth Expert 
Coach Speaker, Ultra-marathon Runner, Mutli-Finisher Ironman, Helps Agents Scale from Solo to Business Owner! 
Jimmy Rex
10X TopGun Expert - Social 
Media Genius
"Known as the "Most Interesting Realtor On Instagram" LEARN HOW HE DID 32 TRANSACTIONS in ONE DAY...Its EPIC!!! 
Ryan Hartman

10X TopGun Direct Mail Expert

Guru. The Ultimate Real Estate Guide To Direct Mail Marketing, Teaches Agents How to Staying Touch with Direct Mail
Tristan Ahumada
10X TopGun-Tribe 
Building Expert 
Co-Founder of Lab Coat Agents Group with Over 115K Real Estate Agents, Realtor, Teaches Agents to Build Communities 

Get Lifetime Access
For Just $99 Bucks!! !

*These Top Secrets Training Sessions have Never Been Released to the Public! 

    You Get Everything On This Page:
    You'll Unlock These Incredible Summit Bonuses!

    Lifetime Access To All The

    Summit Interview Videos

    • Your videos are hosted in a private membership area. 
    • ​Login and watch whenever you like, however many times as you like!
    • ​With the All Access Pass You'll Have Instant Access to the Membership Area with ALL THE VIDEOS 
    • ​Special interview questions that weren't in the live interviews..

    Hidden Benefits

    Here is What you didn't Expect

    • ​Start Earning 10x Commission Quicklly and Easily
    • ​You'll begin to Attract Business Almost Magically and Effortlessly 
    • ​You'll become the Go to Celebrity Agent in your Area Overnight
    • ​Elminate the Dreaded Stop And Start, Commission Roller Coaster

    You'll Get Access to the Top Secret

    10x Real Estate Warriors Weapons Arsenal

    • The Real Estate Industry;'s Most  Comprehensive, Un-Biase Tool Chest of  tips, tricks, strategies, Softwares, Platfoms, Lead Generation Secrets 
    • ​Get Offer for Free Coaching and Strategy Calls with Various Coaches and Trainers 
    • ​Quickly and Easily Determine Which Tools are Right for your Business and Personality Type
    • Get Access to Un-Advertised Offers, Never Before Seen in the General Public.. and most Likely NEVER WILL SEE ANYWHERE ELSE!  

    Still Not Sure ...Hear What these Experts Have to Say ! 

    Learn from Over 24 of the World's' Leading Real Estate Experts,  A.K.A Honorary...10X TopGun’s…. Learn Exactly how to Build a Highly Leveraged, Duplicate-able, Repeatable, Track-able, Scale-Able, 
    Sustainable and Profitable Real Estate Business... Literally in 30 days  or Less.... All for FREE!!!!
    24+ World Class Speakers…. With more than 25 Hours of the Top
    Secret Tips, Tricks & Speed Hacks from the Industry's Best of the Best
    Real Estate Experts...our “10X TopGuns”
    Become Your Local Town Expert, Certified "10X Real Estate Warrior".... less than 30 Days… FREE!!! You’ll be a part of the 10X Real Estate Warriors Nation Community where “Ordinary Agent Become Extraordinary 10X Real Estate Warriors”
    Get Top Secret Tips, Tricks and Speed Hacks You’ll get access to  the same tools, systems and platforms used by the Worlds Best of the Best, Realtors the 10x Real Estate Warriors Nation... 10X Top Guns!

    Here's What Agents Are Saying About The Summit...

    Kirill I ..."It's a Simple Process that Works"

    Listen to Kirill tell his story of Going from 
    "Zero to Hero"
    Less than Six Months 
    of Joining the 
    "10x Real Estate Warriors Nation" 
    "Inspired Me"
    By Simply applying the 10X Personal Success Formula, I took back my business and Life... I now Manage my Day vs my Day Managing me...Thanks Sean  and 10X Real Estate Warriors Nation Family! 
    Maggie J. 
    “We had a 300% Increase in Sales.. In 28 Days” 
    Within the first 23 Days of Our First Coaching Session, we increased our Earnings By 300%....Here is the Best Part, we didn't work any harder or spend more money...We Simply Asked One More Question!!!! That One Question Paid my Kids College Tuition. Thanks Sean and the 10X Real Estate Warriors Nation Family! 
    Jim Fitz,
    "We’re Working Far Less and Earning More"
    OMG ...I earned over $100,000 by hosting 4 Open Houses...With a Four young Kids in the House... Time is my most valuable Asset....With the Help of the "Ultimate Open House Real Estate Funnel" I did 4 Open Houses in 45 Days, Generated over 112 New Relationships, Listed 3 homes and Sold 5 ...I am Proud to be a "10X Real Estate Warrior and Especially a 10X TopGun-Open House Expert! The 10X Real Estate Warriors Nation and Sean Shallis changed my Business and Life for ever!   
    Kristen H. 

    What You'll Learn in Summit

    Red Phase 
    We Start with Building a Solid Foundation
    • Tristan Ahumada (Tribal Leader of 125K..Teaches Rockstar Tribe Building )
    • ​Michael Reese (Industry Icon-Author...Teaches How to Implement Sale Automation)
    • ​Nick Nanton (22 Emmy Winner...Teaches Celebrity Branding)
    • Charlie Oppler (2021 NAR President...Teachers Value Propositions and Time Mgt)
    • Nick Krem (​Media Expert, Teaches Sharing your Brand with Your Social-TV Show)
    • ​Jimmy Rex (Instagram Legend Shares How to Do...32 Deals...In your Jammies!)
    • ​Sean Shallis, 10X RWN Founder (Sharing How to leverage Time, Money, Tech and AI )
    • ​ Jeff Quintin (Team Owner Agent, One of the most successful real estate agents in the United States. Sold over 5000 homes, Negotiated Billion Real Estate deals)
    Advance Training Automation, Tech and Leverage 
    • Ryan Hartman (Communicating On Multiple Channels with Automation)
    • ​Bill Hang (Simplifying All your Media, Marketing and Distribution)
    • ​Ren Jones (Use Technology, Data and Tagging to Increase you ROI )
    • Abe Safa (the Discipline of Sales and Prospecting like a Machine)
    • Dan Stewart (Email and Content Originator and Innovator )
    • ​Krista Mashore (Facebook and Video Marketing. "The Right Way)
    • ​Sharon Restrepo (Learn how to Connect Seller-Investors to Double $$$$)
    • ​Carrie Sue Doxee (Learn how to Go Business to Business leading with Value)
    • ​ John Kitchens (Coach Speaker, Ultra-marathon Runner, Mutli-Finisher Ironman, Specializes in Coaching Real Estate "Business Owners" on going from Solo Agent to Business Owner Operator              ​
    Blue Phase

    This is "Strategy Day" where we Pull it all Together

    • Veronica Figueroa (One of Most Powerful Woman in Real Estate, She will Inspire you! )
    • ​Chris Prefontaine (Build a Huge Portfolio of Real Estate With Other Peoples Money!)
    • ​Albie Stasek (Breaking it all down to 4 Simple Numbers to Grow Any Real Estate Biz!)
    • ​Brian Norvell (Learning to Apply the 8% Rule and Follow Up Automation!)
    • ​Matt Wagner (Marketing with TV and Radio is Like "Using a Blow Torch" in your Biz!)
    • ​Howard Tager (Automatically tells you when to call Clients ready to Buy or Sell!)
    • ​Jay Kinder (From Mowing Lawns to Co-leading one of the Industry's Largest Teams)
    • ​Chris Heller (Hear Chris talk about the Journey from Solo Agent, to Becoming the CEO KW Worldwide and Everything In between! )
    • Alaester Angoluan (CEO / Founder of Rockstar Funnel Builder)
    • ​ John Pyke (Founder & CEO, The Talent Genius)

    Meet The Summit Host

    Sean T Shallis, Founder and Host of the 
    10X Real Warriors Nation * 

    Who is Sean Shallis ?

    Shallis is one of the Only Mortgage Loan Officers that offers 30 Years of personal Knowledge and experience in Helping, buyers, Sellers and Investors successfully negotiate and structure over 500 Million Dollars in real estate deals. he's personally help thousands of clients navigate even the most challenging real estate transactions. 

    As a matter of fact, it was during the most challenging markets that Shallis became one of "Wall Streets" trusted Real Estate Strategists, as well as their "Go to" marketing, Sales and Acquisitions Expert.

    He’s spent a lifetime and more than a Million dollars to search out, model, study and work "One on One" with the World's Foremost Experts in Real Estate, Personal Development, leadership, entrepreneurship, marketing, sales, copyrighting, content production and distribution. 
    Shallis’s philosophy on coaching and training has been referred to as. Ground Breaking, Pure Momentum, Calculated and Sophisticated, Leveraged, Simple and even Common Sense when you break it all down.  

    Here is the great news...With our Core Passion and Purpose Aligned with the People we serve, we are actually working less and making more, a lot more...and this “New way of Being” ? It's so Attractive, that clients and other agents now come to us looking for help!

    “At Ri2 Consulting/Lead Solutions we’ve combined the proven tactics, systems, platforms and speed hacks, AKA Tactical Intelligence, with state of the art Artificial Intelligence, to create Really Intelligent Information. Aka “Ri2”...Ri2 is like the DNA of the Business…

    He went on to Say…”You See at the 10X Real Estate Warriors Nation, our mission is to Help Ordinary Real Estate Agents become Extraordinary 10X Real Estate Warriors; by helping agents, understand their Core Passion and Purpose Aka Cp2… the Why they got in the Business….than help them Apply the right Really Intelligent Information to their business...we are creating the industry leading real estate experts...10X Real Estate Warriors, and for a select few 10X TopGun experts!”

    Join Coach Sean Shallis on Youtube...Subscribe for Free Daily Coaching! 

    Shallis has been featured as a Real Estate Strategist and Subject Matter Expert in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Bloomberg News TV, Bloomberg Radio, Bloomberg International News Service, CNBC and various print publications.

    Some of his personal mentors include... Tony Robbins, Jay Abrahams, John Alexandrov *, Russell Brunson, Zig Ziglar*, Bob Proctor, Abraham Hicks, Brian Tracey, Brian Buffini, Mike Ferry, Tom Ferry, Matthew Ferry, Dean Graziosi, Mike Vance*, Daryl Rutherford*, Stu Middleman, Monica Reynolds, Dianna Kokoszka, Tony Dicello, Gary Keller, Tom Hopkins, Dan Kennedy, Marshall Sylver, Frank Kern, Andy Jenkins, Mike Filsaime, Jack Canfield, Depaak Chopra….
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